Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Family and Blogs

So for some really weird reason a lot of people I know are into blogging.. Two of my sisters, my step brother, and butt loads of my friends.. I never really quite understood what they were but recently I've been reading a bunch.. My personal favorite kind of blog is the ones that just tell stories.. They dont even have to be really funny.. I just love stories.. I guess the reason why is because in my family we just grew up with people who were amazing at telling stories.. For example my cousin Rocky he is amazing at telling stories

Kay, quick side note.. For some really weird reason my mom is super paranoid and thinks everyone is out to get us.. So in all my sister's blogs my mom makes her come up with nicknames for all of us so computer creepers aren't all up in our business.. But come on if you are reading a blog that no one else does and you see that I have mentioned my cousin Rocky.. I'm pretty sure you have absolutely no clue who that is and you have no way of finding out.. So that may or may not be his real name.. Aaaand you never will..

And we're back.. So story tellers are awesome!.. And I mean people who really get into the story they are telling and make it super interesting and even sometimes funny.. Not those people who are like "Oh I got a story. One time I was running, but I didnt see the puddle, and I fell in. The End".. Yeahh if you tell stories like that.. Just dont tell them anymore cause it aint cool and no one wants to hear that.. And yes I have a friend who ends all their terrible stories with "The End".. It drives me crazy.. I'm also not saying that I am the best story teller.. cause I do have my "That was a terrible story" moments more often than I would like..

So the whole point of my blog is to get my stories out in more that 140 characters and how ever many facebook allows.. Which is never enough.. A place where I can randomly throw out names of people you dont know and maybe sometimes places you have never been.. But still when you read it you just imagine everything happening in your head and hopefully it'll make your day that much better(?).. So yeah (sly use of blog name in blog I know!) (completely accidental.. so instead of erasing it.. I'm playing it off.. much classier)

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